(Updated June 6, 2023 - 17 Sivan, 5783)  


Mincha/Maariv* - Daily: (Taking a break from Memorial day until Labor day)


6:00pm -  Mincha/Maariv


Friday Evening:


6:30pm - Mincha

6:50pm - Kabalat Shabbat


Shabbat morning:


8:45am - Mysticism class with the Rabbi Bukiet

9:45am - Shachrit / Morning Service 

11:15am - Song of the day

12:30pm - Sit-down Kiddush -   Click Here to Sponsor Kiddush


Sunday morning:


10:00am - The Rebbe's Vision series with Rabbi Bukiet 


*If you have a Yahrzeit and the above times don't work, please call Rabbi New at (646) 248-9053 and he will happily arrange a minyan.