

  • Rabbi Alter Bukiet, director of Chabad of Lexington can now be booked for an educational inspirational and/or fundraising speaking engagement in your community.

    With a substantive message and speaking style that never fails to be soul stirring, heart warming, thought provoking compelling, engaging, entertaining and and enduring all at once, Rabbi Bukiets talk - always spiced with stories and humor - have proven To be events that are remembered and talked about by his audiences long after the encounter itself. Indeed many have been known to undertake new spiritual commitments and embark upon new paths in life after having been moved that way by a speech delivered by Rabbi Bukiet.

    Rabbi Bukiet is the speaker you want standing at the podium when its maximum impact you are looking for.

     For further information about booking a speaking engagement please fill out the form and we will contact you as soon as possible

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